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XML Pickup to retreive pdf job

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 3:13 pm
by tsellem
As a newbee in manipulating xml files and data, i'm looking correct ways to use XML Pickup and Inject Job in sw 13 up1.

For example, in a folder I have pdf files and xml files name like this:

Informations about the pdf files are stored in the xml files matching the first 5 numbers in their names.

My goal is to remame the pdf files with informations (like name and date) that are in fields <Agency> and <IssueDate> of the matching xml file.
For example obtain pdf: 12345_MyAgency_2017-03-05.pdf with datas from the xml 12345_zzzzz.xml in the fields <Agency>MyAgency</Agency> and <Issuedate>2017-03-05</IssueDate>

I think is possible standard function XML Pickup and Inject Job, but I don't know how to retreive information about xml files.

Many many Thanks for your help and advices.


Re: XML Pickup to retreive pdf job

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:45 pm
by gabrielp
No Inject needed, just XML pickup and Rename. Just do an XML pickup with metadata alongside asset and give it a matching property like segment 1-5 (or everything before the _) and a wildcard. I don't have Switch anymore but it should be something like [ segment 1-5]_* that should match those two files. Once the XML is picked up, you can pass the PDF through a rename and use dataset variables to rename it.

Re: XML Pickup to retreive pdf job

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 6:32 pm
by tsellem
Hello Gabrielp,

Thanks for your help.
Your method is ok, it works !

In fact, I keep the radical of the two files (xml and pdf) with job.nameproper before "_", so the xml pickup is active as it sees the 2 files with the same name in folder, and now I can easyly take values in fields of dataset xml to re-compose my new names.
Once again, many, many thanks.
