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Combining XML Data Together From Multiple Files

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 7:51 pm
by GSBSwitch1
Is it possible to run a calculation to add a particular number found within the XML data of multiple PDFs. I have a grouping of PDFs with XML data coming into the flow (each instance of this would have a different number of PDFs), and there is a number that I'd like to extract and combine from each file. So lets says there are 5 PDFs and they each have the number 10 extracted from a string in each of their XML data, how would I go about adding 10+10+10+10+10 to extrapolate that this group of PDFs has a combined figure of 50?

If anybody has any ideas I'd really appreciate your feedback. I keep hitting a wall in my brainstorming on this.

Re: Combining XML Data Together From Multiple Files

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:52 pm
by loicaigon
Maybe feasable with a lot of trickery with rename element (meaning porting quantity to prefix) then compute all the prefixes but eventually it may be more pertinent to use a script.