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Stupid question - rename a JDF from content

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 3:49 pm
by Clive Andrews
I know this seems like a basic question - but it's one of those brick wall moments. I'm aiming to rename a jdf file - using the @DescriptiveName part of its own content. (metadata > Text > External > Drop down Jdf > Click @DescriptiveName.

Gives me the JDF location path of /dn:JDF/@DescriptiveName

Now you wouldn't think there was anything complicated there - neither did I - but I'm getting no content from the JDF... I doing something really stupid here?

Stupid question - rename a JDF from content

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:32 pm
by dkelly
Wouldn't it be [Metadata.Text:Path="/jdf:JDF/@DescriptiveName",Dataset="jdf",Model=JDF]

Stupid question - rename a JDF from content

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:48 am
by Clive Andrews
dkelly wrote: Wouldn't it be [Metadata.Text:Path="/jdf:JDF/@DescriptiveName",Dataset="jdf",Model=JDF]

Er, yes....


I'd just had a total blank there Sir!