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InDesign Smartstream Create Job Script

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 2:55 pm
by liechie

Is there a way to create job in InDesign Smartstream Create Job Script using javascript?

SmartStream> CreateJob ( image below )

Thank you in advance

Re: InDesign Smartstream Create Job Script

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:43 pm
by sander
I did some findings while using Switch the last years, I'm not into InDesign javascript but I bet it can help you to get in the right direction.

"I think":
In the folder %userprofile%\Documents\Adobe Scripts there's a jsx file created when a new job arrives at the configurator.

impp.jsx in that folder (theres a vdp.jsx too):

Code: Select all

#target InDesign-11.064
app.createJob("C:/Users/admin-wihabo/AppData/Roaming/SmartStream Configurators/IMPP/MB_404-1119-tempXML.xml");
So it looks like you need to supply a xml for this, if you are quick you can catch the temporary xml when it enters the configurator, I did for you:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ScriptParams version="SmartStream Designer v5.5">
		<File path="D:\SwitchData\backing\4) PDF\automanaged\Asset#2\_1C567_MB_404-1119.pdf"/>
	<Parameter ParamName="ImpositionTemplateFile" ParamValue="C:\Users\admin-wihabo\Documents\SmartStream Designer\Imposition\210x100_4x_duplex.impp"/>
	<Parameter ParamName="CropTo" ParamValue="0"/>
	<Parameter ParamName="JobOutputDir" ParamValue="C:\Users\admin-wihabo\AppData\Roaming/SmartStream Configurators/IMPP/"/>
	<Parameter ParamName="JobOutputName" ParamValue="MB_404-1119-imposed"/>
	<Parameter ParamName="JobOutputFormat" ParamValue="PDF"/>
	<Parameter ParamName="JobOutputType" ParamValue="Rich"/>
	<Parameter ParamName="PDFPreset" ParamValue="Wihabo druk pms geen snijtekens"/>
	<Parameter ParamName="PaperSize" ParamValue="458x318"/>
	<Parameter ParamName="JobStatusFile" ParamValue="C:\Users\admin-wihabo\AppData\Roaming/SmartStream Configurators/IMPP/MB_404-1119.xml"/>
So if you can create a correct SmartStream xml file you can javascript create job ;)

I would look for a xml file in a temporary location when you hit create job, maybe you don't have to read the manual then :)

Hope it helps,


Re: InDesign Smartstream Create Job Script

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:54 pm
by liechie
Thanks for the info, I will have a test for this

Re: InDesign Smartstream Create Job Script

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:43 pm
by liechie
Sorry but Im just a novice in js InDesign and I can't convert this into Indesign js but still thanks for looking into it

Re: InDesign Smartstream Create Job Script

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:59 pm
by cstevens
That's basically what the HP SmartStream Designer VDP Configurator does. Is there something you want to do that can't be handled by the configurator?

Re: InDesign Smartstream Create Job Script

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:17 am
by liechie
This is how it goes.

Everyday, I'm processing for about 20 to 30 projects that consist VDP on it.

it is like SmartStream> CreateJob> choose jlyt:Last to first then SmartStream> CreateJob> choose pdf

I'm hoping to automate the process using script if it is doable

thank you

Re: InDesign Smartstream Create Job Script

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 10:14 am
by nehavilash
To automate the process, you can try creating a script that monitors the folder for the incoming XML files. Once the XML is detected, you can trigger the SmartStream CreateJob function.