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callas pdfToolbox 6 configurators throw error Password is invalid

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:05 pm
by roeseler
Hello Board,

after upgrading to Switch 11 Upd 1 and callas pdfToolbox 6.0.185 we see errors during the start of Switch Designer under Mac OS 10.8:

31.07.12 17:59,Error,Control,,,,,Scripted plugin 'callas pdfToolbox 6 Profiles' cannot be loaded: password is invalid

31.07.12 17:59,Error,Control,,,,,Scripted plugin 'callas pdfToolbox 6 ConvertColors' cannot be loaded: password is invalid

31.07.12 17:59,Error,Control,,,,,Scripted plugin 'callas pdfToolbox 6 Actions' cannot be loaded: password is invalid

We've reinstalled the configurators via PackManager several times. The callas pdfToolbox 6 Impose configurator can be started successfully. There should be another configurator for Compare. But it didn't show up and there is no related log entry.

Access rights seems to be OK. Any tips?

Best regards

Ingo Röseler

callas pdfToolbox 6 configurators throw error Password is invalid

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:30 am
by toonv
Hi Ingo

This problem was solved aug 1st, please try updating the configurators again if this is still not solved on your system.