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Show metadata at Checkpoint
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:54 am
by Clive Andrews
I know this is probably a stupid question - but I have a checkpoint for the CSRs to ok & route jobs to end of flow. I'd like to show them the metadata that was attached to the file when it came in - which was xml created as input from an iDropper. One of the lines has the xml tag of "Reference" - now seeing as I carry that through with the job, and refer to it in confirmation emails, I thought I could just use the same naming convention (see grabs)
Can anyone advise me where I am going wrong - how do I get Metadata attached to the job to show that information in the Switch Client? (strangely enough I've only just started to use the Client after best part of 2 years!)
Show metadata at Checkpoint
Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:28 pm
by dkelly
Hi Clive, you can use "Default" to set the value of your read-only SwitchClient metadata using "Text with variables" to access the XML metadata.
Dwight Kelly
Apago, Inc.
Show metadata at Checkpoint
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:31 am
by Clive Andrews
Yup, I got it, thanks Dwight....
Follow up question
Can I write into the job metadata the name of the operator who interacted with the file (i.e. the Switch Client login that was used)...?
Edit - I'd like to write it as a comment into the PDF core Metadata...
Thanks guys!
Show metadata at Checkpoint
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:25 pm
by dkelly
[Job.UserName] contains the user name of SwitchClient after a Checkpoint.
Learn advanced Javascript for Switch
Full day seminar during Graph Expo in Chicago, Oct 8th, 2012
Dwight Kelly
Apago, Inc.
Show metadata at Checkpoint
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:40 pm
by Clive Andrews
As usual, my thanks to you sir.
Now - 3rd and final question for now - is there a quick and dirty way to squirt it into the Document Properties, either Keywords or the Custom Properties....
....I bet you'll say "Use Callas" lol - I'll have a look and see if I can do it in CPDF...
Show metadata at Checkpoint
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:45 pm
by dkelly
Use XMP Inject, to set the dc:creator you could use the path "dc:creator/*[1]"
Show metadata at Checkpoint
Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:42 am
by Clive Andrews
dkelly wrote: Use XMP Inject, to set the dc:creator you could use the path "dc:creator/*[1]"
I actually have "dc:creator/[Job.UserName]" - can I change "creator" to some other text/field - i.e. "continued by"..?
My first attempt "dc:creator/*[Job.UserName]" gave "Cannot inject dataset 'dc:creator/*Clive Andrews-Lewis': dataset is not available" - so hopefully I have the correct syntax now. Testing is sloooow as I have other users, with live work, that I have to fit between....
Failing that I will try CPDF and change the keywords in that - I'm just loathed to spend £195 if I can do it for free with Switch tools...
Edit - I see my error, I should be doing Update XMP within the "XMP Inject" - I can then change the creator (which is enough to leave the Audit trail I'm looking for)