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Pull jobs older than x hours with pickup XML

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:38 am
by tz8
following situation:

customer delivers PDFs and an XML into a subfolder of his FTP directory like this:


/5832456 <-- OrderNumber




In order to make Switch wait for the XML file to be present i'm defining /in as the entry point and do a 'pickup XML' with a 'search depth' of 1 and 'metadata in job folder asset' to only start pulling the orders when an XML file is present in the job folder.

Now $customer wants to have some kind of grace period on when i am entitled to actually pull the order from his FTP directory because he wants to have 2 hours time to make last minute changes to the XML file. Apart from telling the customer to just keep the order on his side until he's sure that it's right... is there another way to tell Switch to only process directories or XML files that are older than 2 hours?



Pull jobs older than x hours with pickup XML

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 5:10 pm
by dkelly
You could try adding an "Adjusted by" rule of "Excluding folders named" with a script that returns the name of the job folder if it isn't 2 hours or older.