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Add password security to PDF

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:13 am
by JHDietz
I'm looking for a way to add password security to a PDF. It is going to be used for proof PDF files for customers. They are not allowed to print the PDF or change it in any way.

Does anybody have a workflow/script for that? Thanks in advance!

Add password security to PDF

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:47 am
by Clive Andrews
You can use CPDF to do it, likewise, you can add a "proof" watermark...

Encryption is page 13 of the user guide:

4.1 Introduction

PDF files can be encrypted using various types of encryption and attaching various permissions

describing what someone can do with a particular document (for instance, printing it

or extracting content). There are two types of person:

The User can do to the document what is allowed in the permissions.

The Owner can do anything, including altering the permissions.

There are three kinds of encryption: 40-bit encryption (method 40bit) in Acrobat 3 (PDF

1.1) and above, 128-bit encryption (method 128bit) in Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4) and above, and

AES encryption (method AES) in Acrobat 7 (PDF 1.6) and above.

All encryption supports these kinds of permissions:

-no-edit Cannot change the document

-no-print Cannot print the document

-no-copy Cannot select or copy text or graphics

-no-annot Cannot add or change form fields or annotations

In addition, 128-bit encryption (Acrobat 5 and above) and AES encryption supports these:

-no-forms Cannot edit form fields

-no-extract Cannot extract text or graphics

-no-assemble Cannot merge files etc.

-no-hq-print Cannot print high-quality

Add these flags to the command line to prevent each operation.

Add password security to PDF

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:20 pm
by JHDietz
Thanks Clive for your quick response, I will look into it! It sounds like a perfect solution to the problem.

Add password security to PDF

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:06 pm
by dkelly
Here's a free solution I developed using qpdf (

// Encrypt/Decrypt PDF files using qpdf


// Written by Dwight Kelly <>

// Copyright 2012 by Apago, Inc. -- All Rights Reserved

function jobArrived( s : Switch, job : Job )


var appPath = "/opt/local/bin/qpdf";

var String args = new Array();

var argc = 0;

args[argc++] = appPath;

if (s.getPropertyValue("encrypt") == "Yes") {

args[argc++] = "--encrypt";

args[argc++] = ""; // no user (open) password

args[argc++] = s.getPropertyValue("password"); // owner password

args[argc++] = "128";

args[argc++] = "--use-aes=y"; // 128-bit AES

args[argc++] = "--print=full"; // permissions

args[argc++] = "--modify=annotate";

args[argc++] = "--extract=n";

args[argc++] = "--";

} else {

args[argc++] = "--decrypt";

args[argc++] = "--password=" + s.getPropertyValue("password");


args[argc++] = job.getPath();

var String outFile = job.createPathWithName(job.getName()); // output file

args[argc++] = outFile;

var exitStatus = Process.execute(args);

var pdfFile = new File(outFile);

if (exitStatus == 0 && pdfFile.exists) {

// success

job.sendToSingle( outFile, job.getName() );



// failure"qpdf failed, errcode:" + exitStatus );


Learn advanced Javascript for Switch

Full day seminar during Graph Expo in Chicago, Oct 8th, 2012

Dwight Kelly

Apago, Inc.

Add password security to PDF

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:19 pm
by JHDietz
Thank you Dwight for your solution, i will try it!