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help removing layers

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:30 pm
by anon69
hello, i have a problem with a few pdfs. i have many magazines that are watermarked with an annoying website logo that i want to remove. i usually do it manually by deleting layers but some magazines are over 100+ pages. i would like to know if there is a faster way to accomplish this task without removing any wanted material. i have included a picture and a sample. thanks in advance.


help removing layers

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:13 pm
by dkelly
This content is not on a layer. There are no layers in this file.

Instead it is normal text ( added to the page to function like a watermark. You need a tool that can search and replace text to remove it.

Dwight Kelly

Apago, Inc.

help removing layers

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:22 pm
by freddyp
When the text is also the same size (44pt) and when it is always in the same color (50.19% RGB) it is easy to select and remove it with a PitStop Action List.

Select by point size

Select color


Remove selection

And there is also an action "Select by key phrase" with which you can select a specific piece of text.

There is more than one option.
