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Ganging multiple jobs
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:43 pm
by abonsey
Being new to Switch I'm looking for guidance on ganging jobs and hope other users could help me get up and running quickly.
Here are a few questions
1. In peoples experience what's the best application to use?
2. How do you identify each unique job that is ganged ie their order number.
3. Any sample flows would be greatly appreciated.
4. Any other advice that you could give to avoid common pitfalls
Ganging multiple jobs
Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 9:49 pm
by JulieWatson
Hi abonsey,
I can’t answer the first question as you probably want to hear from users themselves.
But for point 2) and based on our customers' experience, here is some input. Our customers use barcode or naming conventions to identify and track jobs. The barcode is generated dynamically via XML ticket. Many users generate job order numbers from Web-to-print applications and use this job number as a tracking ID. When using Switch for gang job optimisation you can process them automatically by sending them as a batch to the imposition software using a Switch Configurator. In this case the gang run is configured at the imposition hot folder level. You may see an example for a gang run of flat work in this Flow: ... lat%20work
The other aspect in this equation might be your MIS system and how you are using it. Are you linking orders from your MIS to be sent for production via Switch? In this case you may want to address the question of reporting gang run imposition data and store this in your MIS for business analytical reasons or simply to track the cost of each job in a gang run.
Our recommendation is to look for imposition software that has the ability to produce such gang run optimisation automatically via Switch as described above.
Let me know if this is helpful information.