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Switch-related memory leak

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:58 pm
by gabrielp
Hi all,

This problem might be slightly out of scope for this forum, but I would really like your input if you're running Switch on a mac.

Over the last few days, we have had instances where Switch will get bogged down to a crawl. In Activity Monitor, we noticed that "Inactive" ram was utilized all remaining ram, leaving nothing "Free". Running the "purge" command in terminal wipes out all the inactive memory, returning it to free. But then, over time you can see the inactive ram crawling back until it utilizes all of the remaining ram.

Has anyone encountered this with Switch? Any good ideas on how to troubleshoot this? I imagine it's a particular script or something doing this but it is intermittent -- meaning it is happening now, but last night it was fine and all the same flows were active.