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Create InDesign Package

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 9:03 am
by Terkelsen
I'm looking for a way to have the InDesign configurator create an InDesign package. I guess I'll need a script to be run by the configurator. Any help?

Create InDesign Package

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:48 pm
by freddyp
This will do the trick. Save it to a jsx file and use that file in the "Save" - "Use script" property of the Indesign configurator.

$outfile = $outfolder+"/"+$filename;

var to = new File($outfile);

var copyingFonts = true;

var copyingLinkedGraphics = true;

var copyingProfiles = true;

var updatingGraphics = true;

var includingHiddenLayers = true;

var ignorePreflightErrors = true;

var creatingReport = true;

var versionComments = "comment";

var forceSave = true;

if(($error == null) && ($doc != null))


try {

$doc.packageForPrint (












catch(theError) {


$error = theError.description;



Create InDesign Package

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:59 pm
by Terkelsen
I can confirm that this works just fine, Freddy. It even works with InDesign CC 2014 though this is not yet officially supported by Switch ;-)

However CC 2014 adds the possibility of saving both idml and PDF together with everything else in a package. Can anybody help to add these features to the script? This would even mean that you could turn off everything else and just save the idml, which I think is a much requested feature.

Obvious things to implement in a coming version of the InDesign configurator i.m.h.o.

Create InDesign Package

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:12 pm
by gabrielp
Thanks for sharing this solution, Freddy. I will definitely try this out.

Re: Create InDesign Package

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 12:06 pm
by peterlk
Hi Freddy,

I'm looking for a InDesign CC2015 Server script, that will save an InDesign Package - can you twist the script you already made for InDesign?

Freddy - I got it - it works in InDesign Server 2015 too ;)