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Sorting odd and even pages

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 11:39 am
by frode

I'm looking for a script that can replace my "condition with variables". We receive single paged pdf's and the name of the file determine if it's a odd or even page.

I have created a "condition with variables", but I assume this can be done in a script instead. We are using PowerSwitch.

The condition with variables goes like this (even pages):

Job Name Contains 02.pdf


Job Name Contains 04.pdf


Job Name Contains 06.pdf

and so on...

I'm a newbie regarding scripts but are fascinated about the possibilities, and are eager to understand more :) Therefore it would be great if someone in this forum could help me.

Kind regards

Frode Nordeide

Sorting odd and even pages

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:10 am
by davidvd

You can for sure do this with a script, but why would you go there? I'm relatively certain you can also accomplish what you want with a simple file name filter using regular expressions and that wouldn't involve scripting at all.

I'm not an expert on writing regular expressions without trying them, but something like this:


would match any filename that ends on "2.pdf", "4.pdf" and so on.


frode wrote: Hi!

I'm looking for a script that can replace my "condition with variables". We receive single paged pdf's and the name of the file determine if it's a odd or even page.

I have created a "condition with variables", but I assume this can be done in a script instead. We are using PowerSwitch.

The condition with variables goes like this (even pages):

Job Name Contains 02.pdf


Job Name Contains 04.pdf


Job Name Contains 06.pdf

and so on...

I'm a newbie regarding scripts but are fascinated about the possibilities, and are eager to understand more :) Therefore it would be great if someone in this forum could help me.

Kind regards

Frode Nordeide

Sorting odd and even pages

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 3:36 pm
by frode
Hi David,

".[24680].pdf" did it, perfect!!

But that's nothing compared to the fact that your answer gave me the key to understand regular expressions, hurray!

Thanks a lot!


Sorting odd and even pages

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 1:04 pm
by davidvd
My pleasure!

There are a couple of very good websites regarding regular expressions around, even including (I seem to remember) sites that let you try things out and stuff like that.
