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Pitstop server - select all that is not spot

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:44 pm
by ArielRauch
how can I select everything that is not spot colored.

I thought it would be easy to select all by spot colors and then inverse the selection but I did not find a way to do it.

Any advice is more than welcome


Pitstop server - select all that is not spot

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:53 am
by freddyp
Inverting the spot color selection still gives you spot colors, so inverting all spot colors gives you no spot colors :)

You can select by color space. As spot colors are usually defined as "Separation" or as "DeviceN" you know that anything that is not in those color spaces is not a spot color. (I guess NChannel is theoretically also a possibility, but I have never yet seen such a file).
