VisualBasic - get number of pages
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:43 pm
I have a Visual Basic script, which logs data about jobs to an Excel-file.
Now I have tried to modify it to log the number of pages in a pdf.
I use this code:
theSpreadSheet.Cells(theRow,2).Value = job.getVariableAsString("[Stats.NumberOfPages]", s)
But I get an error on getVariableAsString.
Is it possible to get this data in Visual Basic?
The original script was written by David van Driessche.
Here is the script.
' This is an example script that shows how to access information from a job and log it into an
' excel spreadsheet
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Author:David van Driessche, Gradual Software
' Last changed: August 21, 2006
' Copyright (c) 2006 - Gradual Software
' ==================================================================================================
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Gets a handle to Microsoft Excel
' Returns: An object representing Microsoft Excel
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function initializeMicraosoftExcel()
Set initializeMicrosoftExcel = CreateObject( "Excel.Application" )
End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Finalize Microsoft Excel, quits the application and releases the reference
' inExcelApplication: The object representing Microsoft Excel
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function finalizeMicrosoftExcel( ByRef ioExcelApplication )
Set ioExcelApplication = Nothing
End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Open a given workbook (identified by a full path)
' inExcelApplication: The object representing Microsoft Excel
' inWorkbookPath: The full path to the workbook
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function openWorkbook( ByVal inExcelApplication, ByVal inWorkbookPath )
Set openWorkbook = inExcelApplication.Workbooks.Open( inWorkbookPath )
End Function
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' logJobInformation
' Logs all information for the current job in the given spreadsheet
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub logJobInformation( s, job, inSpreadsheetPath )
' Get hold of Microsoft Excel and get the correct sheet
Set theExcel = initializeMicrosoftExcel()
Set theWorkbook = openWorkbook( theExcel, inSpreadsheetPath )
Set theSpreadSheet = theWorkbook.WorkSheets("Log")
' Find the first free row
theRow = 1
Do Until (theSpreadSheet.Cells(theRow,1).Value = "")
theRow = theRow + 1
' Now log various details about this job
theSpreadSheet.Cells(theRow,1).Value = job.getName()
theSpreadSheet.Cells(theRow,2).Value = job.getVariableAsString("[Stats.NumberOfPages]", s)
' Close down the spreadsheet and Microsoft Excel after logging this job
theWorkbook.close True
finalizeMicrosoftExcel( theExcel )
' Note in the PowerSWITCH log that we did our thing
s.log 1, "Logged: " & job.getName()
End Sub
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' jobArrived
' Script entry point that is called for each new job that enters the input folder for this script
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function jobArrived(s, job)
' Get the information about the logfile we need to update
Dim theSpreadsheetPath
theSpreadsheetPath = s.getPropertyValue( "propSpreadsheetPath" )
' Log the information for this job in the spreadsheet
Call logJobInformation( s, job, theSpreadsheetPath )
' Always send just the original job on to the output folder
job.sendToSingle job.getPath()
End Function
I have a Visual Basic script, which logs data about jobs to an Excel-file.
Now I have tried to modify it to log the number of pages in a pdf.
I use this code:
theSpreadSheet.Cells(theRow,2).Value = job.getVariableAsString("[Stats.NumberOfPages]", s)
But I get an error on getVariableAsString.
Is it possible to get this data in Visual Basic?
The original script was written by David van Driessche.
Here is the script.
' This is an example script that shows how to access information from a job and log it into an
' excel spreadsheet
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Author:David van Driessche, Gradual Software
' Last changed: August 21, 2006
' Copyright (c) 2006 - Gradual Software
' ==================================================================================================
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Gets a handle to Microsoft Excel
' Returns: An object representing Microsoft Excel
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function initializeMicraosoftExcel()
Set initializeMicrosoftExcel = CreateObject( "Excel.Application" )
End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Finalize Microsoft Excel, quits the application and releases the reference
' inExcelApplication: The object representing Microsoft Excel
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function finalizeMicrosoftExcel( ByRef ioExcelApplication )
Set ioExcelApplication = Nothing
End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Open a given workbook (identified by a full path)
' inExcelApplication: The object representing Microsoft Excel
' inWorkbookPath: The full path to the workbook
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function openWorkbook( ByVal inExcelApplication, ByVal inWorkbookPath )
Set openWorkbook = inExcelApplication.Workbooks.Open( inWorkbookPath )
End Function
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' logJobInformation
' Logs all information for the current job in the given spreadsheet
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sub logJobInformation( s, job, inSpreadsheetPath )
' Get hold of Microsoft Excel and get the correct sheet
Set theExcel = initializeMicrosoftExcel()
Set theWorkbook = openWorkbook( theExcel, inSpreadsheetPath )
Set theSpreadSheet = theWorkbook.WorkSheets("Log")
' Find the first free row
theRow = 1
Do Until (theSpreadSheet.Cells(theRow,1).Value = "")
theRow = theRow + 1
' Now log various details about this job
theSpreadSheet.Cells(theRow,1).Value = job.getName()
theSpreadSheet.Cells(theRow,2).Value = job.getVariableAsString("[Stats.NumberOfPages]", s)
' Close down the spreadsheet and Microsoft Excel after logging this job
theWorkbook.close True
finalizeMicrosoftExcel( theExcel )
' Note in the PowerSWITCH log that we did our thing
s.log 1, "Logged: " & job.getName()
End Sub
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' jobArrived
' Script entry point that is called for each new job that enters the input folder for this script
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function jobArrived(s, job)
' Get the information about the logfile we need to update
Dim theSpreadsheetPath
theSpreadsheetPath = s.getPropertyValue( "propSpreadsheetPath" )
' Log the information for this job in the spreadsheet
Call logJobInformation( s, job, theSpreadsheetPath )
' Always send just the original job on to the output folder
job.sendToSingle job.getPath()
End Function