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newbie question about creating XML files

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 6:46 pm
by steve_mac_win
Hi everybody,

I am total newbie in Switch. I would like to use it to manage incoming emails: the incoming emails have attached images.
I would like to create an XML file for each email with some infos of the email (sender, subject, object, …) and the IPTC data of the image.
I created a flow whit a "Mail Receive" (it was very easy). My problem now is the XML fils.

Could anyone point me in the right direction for the best way to create the XML file?


— Stefano

Re: newbie question about creating XML files

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 5:49 pm
by gabrielp
Try giving the export metadata configurator a shot after the email comes in. Also try, on your mail receive configurator, enabling "attach extra email info". Hopefully that will capture the sender and subject and stuff.

Re: newbie question about creating XML files

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:27 pm
by dkelly
Do you have the scripting module?