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Check for light type on dark background

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 8:55 pm
by woody
I'm wondering if anyone knows a way to do the following. Basically I want to check for small reversed out type(or objects like lines)

#1 - Check for an object smaller than x in height or width or both
#2 - Check that objects color to see if it's less than 50% total ink coverage or just white
#3 - Check to see if that object is on top of a different object that is more than 150% total ink coverage or just black

I'm really only interested in checking vector objects.

Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Check for light type on dark background

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 5:09 pm
by abailescollins
it's possible to do 1 and 2 individually and in combination, but it's not possible to do 3 (at least not at the moment)

The ink coverage works on a page basis or on an individual object basis, you can refine it to the extent you need.