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Using the associated Metadat from XML pickup tool

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:53 pm
by mostafa_hamdy
Hello all

If I have some flow contains a XML pickup tool which associates metadata from XML file with jobs (files), I want to know how can I define condition with varible on some connection after reading this metadata like:

XML file which have the Metadata like:

visual basic

add after getting this metadata I want to set some condition on the connection like:

Metadata.Text ="visual basic"

please if any body get what I mean and can help me please send me



Using the associated Metadat from XML pickup tool

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:49 pm
by Evan
1. Hold your connection and deactivate your flow.

2. Select your connection and in your property panel, click on "Include this files" and select "Define Condition with variable".

3. Click "Build location Path". Select your Job into the sample area, click on External and browse your XML. Your Location Path in your case should be "/XML/visual basic" and your Metadata set should be the one you used in the XML Pickup tool. Click Ok.

4. Now your back into the previous window your path and dataset are now file go to bottom and put your metadata --> Text --> Equal to "visual basic". The sample value should be true if you select your job at top otherwise your job will have to choose another connection.

Note that I using PowerSwitch 9

Hope it help you.

Using the associated Metadat from XML pickup tool

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:52 pm
by Evan
I forgot. Before deactivate your flow, a job must be just before the connection you want to edit to have access at "Sample Jobs" and "Build Location path"