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SQL Statement works in build window but parse error in define window

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 12:09 am
by cwswitch
Here is my code - I'm looking for jobs with "outwork" that do not fit certain criteria.

Code: Select all

SELECT Factor FROM OutworkInput
WHERE EstimateID =(SELECT EstimateID FROM MainJobDetails WHERE JobNo = '[Job.NameProper]') AND 
It returns 1 correctly when I'm in the build SQL window but has a parse error and fails once I OK that window

Displays 1 for the test file with Outwork. Displays "SQL statement executed successfully but returned no value or information" for files with no outwork. - This is what I expect as so in both cases it's executing and working, giving me the value I'm looking for or nothing.

You can see the errors start as soon as I OK. The black non-error message was produced when I was in the build window, the red errors start as soon as I OK.

Subsequently I never receive a 1 so always have a false

Re: SQL Statement works in build window but parse error in define window

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:46 am
by enfocus
If there seems to be an issue with the software itself, please report it to Enfocus Support via the support portal:

If it is the first time you do so, please also mention your Switch maintenance contract number in the case.

Re: SQL Statement works in build window but parse error in define window

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 1:53 pm
by sander
Just to mention: Personally I never use the Build SQL statement / manual edit window because it kept crashing my Switch all the time. It made me very aggressive when I started using SQL in Switch :mrgreen:

Does your statement work if you put it in a 'Database connect' configurator or do you get the same parse error then?

Re: SQL Statement works in build window but parse error in define window

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 12:11 am
by cwswitch
sander wrote:Does your statement work if you put it in a 'Database connect' configurator or do you get the same parse error then?
woo hoo, yes.


Re: SQL Statement works in build window but parse error in define window

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:15 am
by sander
Haha, good to hear!