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Call a webservice from switchscripter

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:27 pm
by braam

I want to call a webservice from within Switch Scripter and just pass it a value...the jobname basically.

I managed to be able to call StoredProcedures from within SwitchScripter, which works fantastic.

Does anyone maybe have a sample code that has done this before from within SwitchScripter please?

Just for interest sake, this is how I call the Stored Procedure:

dbStat.execute("rsp_insert_records '" + campaign + "'" + "," + "'" + jobname + "'" + "," + quantity);



Call a webservice from switchscripter

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 2:59 pm
by dkelly
Switch only supports SOAP v1 protocol. Most webservices use HTTP/JSON/WDSL protocol now.

Call a webservice from switchscripter

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:39 pm
by caio

i have this sample to call webserver via SOAP to send mail order:

You have to create SOAP request (url, request, action).

look the manual......

function jobArrived( s : Switch, job : Job )


var dataset = job.getDataset('Xml');

var map = dataset.createDefaultMap();

var progressivo = dataset.evalToString ("/field-list/field[tag='myorder']/value", map);

var url = "";

var action = "";

var request =


"" :


"TagsOrder" : "",

"":progressivo} };

var result = SOAP.request(url, request, action);


s.log(-1, "Result: %1",




Call a webservice from switchscripter

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:09 pm
by jskibbie
I am also struggling with the syntax for a SOAP request. I'm trying to connect to a proofHQ API ( The documentation says their entry point is "". The WSDL is at

I'm trying to perform the method named "doLogin". It requires two parameters: Login, Password

How do you form the request object portion of: SOAP.request(url, request, action).

I'm assuming the url is "", and based on the WSDL, the action is: "".

Any help in understanding how to form the request object would be greatly appreciated.

Call a webservice from switchscripter

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:40 am
by pragmeta
Hey Braam,

Can you send me the stored Procedure call as you use it in the Script.

I'm trying to call a stored procedure from an MySQL database...



Call a webservice from switchscripter

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:21 am
by braam
Hi Peter

sure, here is a sample of a entire script...whats important to note though is that you have to create a ODBC connection to the MYSQL database first on the Switch server. then call that ODBC as your database, you cant call the MYSQL database directly.

Thanks for the replies everyone, I will test it and give feedback once I got it working.

Kind Regards

Herewith a entire script Peter:

function jobArrived( s : Switch, job : Job )


var ordernumber = job.getNameProper();

dbConn = new DataSource();


if ( dbConn.isConnected() )


var len = job.getNameProper().length;

// var campaign = job.getNameProper().left(len - 12);

var campaign = job.getNameProper().left(12);

var jobname = job.getNameProper();

var quantity = job.getNameProper().right(3);

s.log(1,"Database connection succes" + ordernumber + "ja praat" + campaign + " " + jobname + " " + quantity);

dbStat = new Statement(dbConn);

dbStat.execute("rsp_insert_records '" + campaign + "'" + "," + "'" + jobname + "'" + "," + quantity);






s.log(1,"Database connection error");


