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Querying data from XML using node names

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:42 pm
by reprokaiser
Hi All,

I'm struggling with a problem for awhile. It's clear how to fetch specific data from an external dataset in PowerSwitch, but what if the data is a 'moving target'? Example:

var theDataset = job.getDataset("pi4"); // external dataset added by Callas pdfToolbox

var theOutputIntent = theDataset.evalToString( "/*/*[1]/*[4]/*[4]/*/*[4]" );

That's working fine, until the needed data is at the very same place. But in certain files the XPath should be something else, like "/*/*[1]/*[4]/*[5]/*/*[4]".

How can I query the needed info using the node names of the XML? Of course I know the node names, which are:






Thanks in advance, kind regards,


Querying data from XML using node names

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:33 am
by rzacherl
Hi Peter,

simply by using the node (and maybe also attribute) names within your XPath expressions :-)

I don't have the structure of a callas pdfToolbox XML preflight report in front of me but relying on the information you wrote the correct XPath would be


As there might be more than one output intent in a PDF file you might access a specific one by using an index:


or one or more pieces of additional information which uniquely identifies the node(s) within the XML like e.g. the PDF/X compliant output intent:


Unfortunately this will not work because callas defines a default name space within their report XML files and therefore you will have to define a generic name space prefix within your XPath expressions:




Querying data from XML using node names

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:55 am
by reprokaiser
Hi Robert,

thanks for the quick help, it's working fine. I've never ever figured it out alone.

Kind regards,
